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2015 ROHM News
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Museum history:
The ROHM board met for the first time on July 12, 2015 at Marjorie Clark's home, then again August 14 when officers were elected. At a meeting at the City Hall on September 11th the bylaws were approved. Each of the board members donated funds to help pay the cost of becoming a non-profit organization. We also began working with the city of Rainier to acquire space in the City Hall to store archival material and for display.
The original ROHM Board Members
Front row seated L to R: Kay Heflin (President), Martha Van Natta (Vice President), Carl Pellham (Director). Standing L to R: Mike Clark (Treasurer), Rick Burnham (Director) and Judy Doving (Secretary). Photo taken on September 11, 2015 at the Rainier City Hall.
"Historical museum in the works for Rainier." Written by Sarah Grothjan for the Longview (WA) Daily News December 6, 2015.
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